Mar 28. 2018

Super Nt Restocks and Nt mini Availability

Super Nt (black only) in stock and shipping now, limited quantities

There are a limited amount of Black Super Nt's in stock- shipping now. Once these are gone, it will be a few months before any additional Super Nt's are back in stock and shipping again.

We're producing more Super Nt's now

We didn't anticipate how incredible the response to Super Nt would be and we're currently sold out of all other variants (Classic, SF, and transparent). Once we saw the response, we began producing more units. We've been doing our best to keep up with demand. This production will be ready to ship this summer sometime. For the time being, black Super Nt units are in stock and shipping now- please note they are available in limited quantities.

We will open pre-orders when we have a more accurate ship date

We understand that people are frustrated about not being able to immediately get the Super Nt variant they'd like, and for that we apologize. We will open pre-orders for this next production run once we have a more accurate ship date. Pre-orders will become available sometime in May.

Nt mini is currently unavailable

Nt mini is an incredibly difficult and time consuming product to manufacture. We're currently focused on Super Nt and we don't have the manpower to produce another run at this time. Nt mini unfortunately requires a borderline unreasonable amount of oversight from our best people. We appreciate your understanding and please know we're bummed we can't make it available at this time, too.

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